◂︎ Mandy & Lexi's Connecticut Adventures


Mashamoquet Brook State Park

Date visited: 4/3/2021

This is another typical Connecticut State Park, with picnic areas, hiking trails and a swimming hole. The problem is the swimming hole is completely dried up! The beach area was there, but all that was present water wise was a puddle.


Air-Line Trail

Dates visited: 3/19/2021 & 2/12/2023

See Also: Portland, East Hampton, Colchester, Hebron, Lebanon, Windham, Chaplin, Hampton, Pomfret, Thompson

The Air-Line trail is another one of those old railway lines converted to a multi-use trail. This one passes through many towns in the eastern part of the state. We've done some small segments of this trail. We crossed into Pomfret the day we walked the Hampton section. We came back almost two years later to walk the section of the trail behind the Town Hall, but it was too muddy and I called it quits after about a half mile.


Pomfret Recreation Park

Date visited: 4/8/2023

This wasn't a planned stop. I drove by on the way back from some place else, and decided to check it out. Unlike most town parks, this one is completely closed during the winter months, but re-opens in April. There is a dirt road off of Route 97 that leads to the park. There are athletic fields, a picnic pavilion, a volleyball court, and some surprising trails through the woods. These are mountain bike trails, all with cool names like "We-lik-it". I did not have any sort of map of the trails, but we followed the main trail and it led to a small area where about six of these trails all converged. Here, there was a map of the trails, as well as a mail box that included goodies. There was a guest book that I signed (and provided a link to this website), as well as a first aid kid, tools for fixing your mountain bike and a plastic container filled with candy. This kind of stuff is real cool. I would have explored more, but it was Easter Sunday and we had to get back to visit family. I didn't want to take the risk of getting lost on these winding trails in the woods without having a GPS enabled map of the trails, so we used the map provided and took "Big Hickory" back to the main park.


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