◂︎ Mandy & Lexi's Connecticut Adventures


Bigelow Hollow State Park

Dates visited: 11/9/2020 & 7/28/2021

The park is beautiful, but the loop trail around the lake left much to be desired. The trail on the far side of the lake was one big rock scramble, and very difficult to navigate. This was another situation where I wound up on my rump a couple of times. Of course, the All-Trails app had the trail marked as "Easy". We came back the next summer and hiked a different trail. It was called "Sherpa Trail" in the All-Trails app, but that seems to just be the name the trail submitter gave it. It actually consists of East Ridge Trail, Nipmuck Trail, and an old park dirt road. This wasn't a difficult path, and was actually quite nice...except for the bugs! Lots of Mosquitos!


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Mountain Laurel Sanctuary

Date visited: 7/23/2021

We visited this place about a month and half too late, because there were no Mountain Laurels. What is there, is an old dirt road, named Snow Hill Road. During Mountain Laurel season, the flowers supposedly line the roadway. This time of year, it's just a straight forward walk down a dirt road. We did see a couple jogging that had two dogs that were wearing some sort of antenna (I didn't get a picture). They were going up and down the road, and we passed them three times. I asked about the antenna, and they said it was some sort of GPS used for hunting. Although it was sunny when we started the walk, we just made it back to the car before a downpour. The road crosses over the town line from Union into Ashford. The picture below are from the Union section.


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