◂︎ Mandy & Lexi's Connecticut Adventures


Westbrook Town Beach

Date visited: 3/13/2021

I had a really difficult time finding a good place to visit in Westbrook with the dogs. The best hiking place in town is supposedly Salt Meadow National Wildlife Refuge, but no dogs are allowed there. We tried to visit a park I saw on the map, I think it was Daniel P. Wren Park, but upon arrival we were greeted with a "No Dogs Allowed" sign there as well. We wound up parking behind the Town Hall. There was a small area there called "Mulvey Landing" that had two placards about wildlife, but not really anything else. So we walked from the town hall a half mile to the beach, but of course there were no dogs allowed on the beach either. So I took a few photos in front of the beach and called it a day. I guess I won't be returning to Westbrook with the dogs anytime soon.


Chapman Mill Pond Conservation Area

Date visited: 1/22/2022

I didn't know about this place when I was making my first run through every town. I definitely would have come here first! This is a very nice and scenic loop trail that hugs Chapman Mill Pond. The pond was frozen over and many people were ice fishing on it. Mandy and Lexi even went out on the pond.


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