◂︎ Mandy & Lexi's Connecticut Adventures


Dorothy Maier Preserve

Date visited: 4/14/2021

This may be called the "Doroth Maier Preserve", but I will call it the Moss Rock Trail. There are a lot of rocks here, all with moss growing on them. Lexi took it upon herself to climb up one of the larger rocks. She likes to explore like that. There really isn't much here... unless you like rocks with moss on them. In that case, there is plenty!


Coords Preserve

Date visited: 9/18/2022

I got here and saw on the sign that the trail was flooded out about a third of a mile in. I don't know how long the sign has been there, and we've had a bad drought this summer, so I thought I'd check it out anyway. The good news is that the trail is no longer flooded. The bad news is that is completely overgrown. The trail is basically gone after the pond. So this was a 0.7 mile out and back route.


Eel Pond Preserve

Date visited: 5/1/2022

This might have been our quickest visit yet. While heading home from a different trip, we drove by this place and I decided to stop and check it out. There was no trail here, just an observation platform.


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