◂︎ Mandy & Lexi's Connecticut Adventures

North Haven

Tidal Marsh Trail

Date visited: 2/14/2021

This is a cool trail that starts behind the Target in North Haven. The trail hugs the Quinnipiac River. There are wonderful views of the marsh. The trail takes a turn and continues by some old ruins, painted with lots of colorful graffitti. There's a small, but steep hill that I climbed, and actually had no idea how I was going to get back down the slippery and snowy surface. I wound up sitting on my butt and sliding down for the return trip. The dogs looked at me like I was crazy, but it was actually quite fun!


Wharton Brook State Park

Date visited: 2/14/2021

This park straddles the border between North Haven and Wallingford. We hiked a short loop trail that meanders through the woods near the highway. When we were there, people were ice-fishing. There was also a lot of sledders utilizing the big hill.


North Haven Town Green

Date visited: 12/12/2021

We stopped here because I had a few minutes to burn. You see, often times I stop for lunch after our adventures, and I always get the dogs a treat. They especially love Arby's Roast Beef sliders. The sliders are a $1 from 2-5 every day, but it wasn't quite 2 yet, so we stopped at the Town Green to kill a few minutes so I could save 59 cents on a slider! This is a typical town green, with monuments and benches, and such. There are also a few chess board tables set up here as well.


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