Date visited: 5/1/2021
This was the first of four stops in four towns that finish off our visiting every town in Connecticut project. It got off to a rough start. I had no idea dogs are not allowed here between 4/15 and 9/30. I know there is a beach by the pond, but why would they prohibit dogs in the rest of the park and the trails? We did take some photos here, but we didn't stay very long.
Date visited: 4/29/2022
Our First Visit to New Fairfield didn't turn out that great because the State Park didn't allow dogs after 4/15. This visit was much better. This is a very nice hiking spot. The trails connect to Michael Ciaiola Conservation Area in Patterson, NY. Part of the trail actually stradles the state line, weaving in an out of each state. The waterfall is the highlight of the trail, but that section was across the border in New York. We planned to hike the figure 8 loop trail, but unfortunately two sections of the trails were closed, so we wound up having to backtrack and go up and down the same 300+ foot climb twice. We got a work out! The pictures below are from the New Fairfield section. See the Patterson, NY page for pics of the waterfall.