◂︎ Mandy & Lexi's Connecticut Adventures


Fox Brook Preserve

Date visited: 4/14/2021

This is a pretty nice trail, with pretty terrible parking. There's room for one car, off to side of a busy road. The trail leaves the traffic behind pretty fast. The woods seemed thick even in the spring before the leaves blossomed on the trees. There is a very narrow bridge that Mandy didn't care for all that much.


Goshen Land Trust

Date visited: 4/14/2021

Goshen Land Trust is the orginization that owns properties like the Fox Brook Preserve. But this was just a building with Goshen Land Trust signage. There is a small waterfall behind the building. There wasn't a trail here....just a building, a stone wall and a waterfall.


John Ross Trail

Date visited: 5/14/2022

The Goshen Land Trust website does not mention who John Ross was, and why he has a trail named after him. But it's a pretty nice trail. It runs for 1.8 miles one way, but we did not walk the whole thing since this was the third stop today, and I started to not feel well. We walked about a mile here, out and back. With this stop, we've now been to every town in Connecticut at least twice (two different places, two different days). We probably won't be back in this area for a while, considering the gas prices. Doing it twice isn't as cool as doing it the first time, it was still an accomplishment!


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