◂︎ Mandy & Lexi's Connecticut Adventures

East Haven

Cosey Beach

Date visited: 3/6/2022

It poured earlier in the day, and with temperatures near 60 and snow cover on the ground, trails were a muddy mess throughout the state! So we drove down to a beach we hadn't yet visited. Cosey Beach, also known as East Haven town beach, is a small beach located on Cosey Beach Road. We couldn't go on much of a walk here, but the foggy conditions made for some cool pictures.

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Shoreline Greenway

Date visited: 9/8/2020

This is a part of the Shoreline Greenway, but this section didn't get that close to the shore. We hiked a small loop trail while I was waiting for my wife who at a small shop in Branford.


Farm River State Park

Date visited: 6/18/2021

There are multiple varietiies of State Parks in Connecticut. We are most familiar with the big ones, the ones with the signs for them on highways and such. There are also some real rinky dink ones, that have no signage at all and you wouldn't know it's a State Park other than the fact the map says it's a State Park. Then you have the ones in between, like this one. There are no highway signs for it. There aren't even any road signs at the entrace. The park consists of a trail that goes down the hill to a dirt road leading to some marshy areas. Most of the trail is the "Shoreline Greenway" trail, like our visit above...except that I don't think this Shoreline Greenway connects with that Shoreline Greenway. I counted two picnic tables at this park, but that is probably more than adequate, considering we were the only ones at the park. I wouldn't go out of your way to visit this place, but it's a nice spot for a quick walk if you are in the area.


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