◂︎ Mandy & Lexi's New York Adventures


(includes Haines Falls)

Kaaterskill Falls

Date visited: 7/6/2024

This place was packed. We were the last car they let enter the parking area. The adventure consisted of a hike to a viewing platform near the top of the waterfall, and then actually going to the top of the falls. This was a great spot that Mandy and Lexi went into the water and cooled off right away on a very warm and muggy day. After that, we hiked down a trail featuring a very long stone staircase to the bottom of the falls. We took some photos from the bottom. The waterfall is big, and it wasn't possible to take a photo of the dogs in front of the whole thing. It was hard to take photos in general, because the place was crowded, the terrain was narrow and rocky, and the sun would come and go changing the lighting. (Here is a picture of the waterfall without the dogs). The waterfall had multiple levels and people were swimming in the pools at every level. We didn't actually go to the middle level. The route there looked pretty rugged. We climbed back up the stairs after exploring the bottom for a bit. My Apple Watch reported that we climbed 580 feet, which is a new record for us. Needless to say, we were tired after the climb! This was a good workout, but I wish we did this trip on a cooler day, maybe in the middle of the week, instead of a holiday weekend, when there would be less people.


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